Co-founder, John Grinder's Workshop in Japan
- Tapping Your Personal Genius through NLP in Leadership
(Application of Patterns of Excellence of NLP to Business)
Grinder, a co-founder of NLP will finally come
to Japan! His visit in March 2005 will be a historic event,
because it will be the very first visit to Japan
by either of the two co-founders of NLP for the last 30
years since NLP was founded 1975.
This visit by Dr Grinder was made possible by Taiten Kitaoka,
who is the head of the UK NLP Academy Japan, and the workshop
by Dr Grinder and by Ms Carmen Bostic St. Clair will be
organised by JMA, Tokyo, who has been organising Mr Kitaoka's
NLP courses in Japan.
In this workshop, you will learn the New Code techniques
of NLP from its co-creator, and master the following success
patterns of excellence in business environments and others:
* Patterns of excellence for the enhancement of leadership
as the skill the most required for managers operating
in the competitive business environment
* Patterns of excellence for the effective use of verbal
communications to manage information flow - the lifeblood
of the company
* Patterns of excellence for establishing and maintaining
positive rapport, especially under difficult circumstances
* Patterns of excellence for the promotion of creativity
and for fostering the ability to think and act outside
of the box
These techniques can be used in non-business environments
as well. Mastering them will help you to achieve "Excellence
in Life".
You can read Dr Grinder's message for his first workshop
in Japan below.
Also, you can read the program of the workshop, by clicking
John Grinder, Co-creator
of NLP
Carmen Bostic St. Clair,
Co-developer of NLP Member of White House
Committee for small
business development (under both the Reagan
and present Bush administrations)
Date: 21st March 2005, 10:00 - 18:00
Price: 58,000 Japanese Yens (* 60,000 Japanese Yens, if
a certificate of attendance
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight 1F, Reception Hall A. (http://www.bigsight.jp/english/)
Capacity: 100 people. (There has been very strong feedback
from the market, and
capacity may be accordingly increased.)
Requirements: No special knowledge of NLP is required. Open
to non-business
and non-Japanese as well.
Send your email to grinderworkshop@creativity.co.uk
with the following details:
(1) name, (2) address, (3) phone number, (4) NLP background,
you want to have a certificate of attendance.
will send you back the information as to how you can make
the payment.

John Grinder
Co-creator of NLP

Carmen Bostic
St. Clair |
to Members of the Business Community of Japan
We are most pleased by the opportunity provided
to us by JMA who has graciously agreed to host a one day business
practices seminar (21 March, 2005) presented by Quantum Leap,
Inc. (John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair). This visit to
Japan of mine will be my first visit as a Co-Creator of NLP. This
exciting opportunity has been initiated by Mr Taiten Kitaoka whom
I have known since 1988, and whom I regard as a worthy representative
of NLP in Japan. The express purpose of this seminar will be the
presentation some of the explicit models and patterns of excellence
in business practice developed in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
As the co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I (John
Grinder) am aware that this technology is as yet not particularly
well-known in the business community in Japan. This suggests that
introductory remarks are in order. I therefore offer the following
remarks as a very brief and general introduction to the discipline
known as NLP.
Beginning some thirty plus years ago, Richard Bandler and I began
great adventure, exploring two fundamental questions:
What are the differences between geniuses and average performers?
Are these differences reproducible - that is, can others learn
to perform as do the geniuses that inspire us all?
In our studies, we have uncovered and continue to uncover encouraging
and surprising answers to these questions. In the process of exploring
these possibilities systematically, we created the discipline
known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming. More precisely, NLP is
the study of the differences that make the differences between
a genius and an average performer - these differences once made
explicit involve many skills sets and most encouraging have proven
to be transferable to other practitioners in the same field as
the original geniuses modeled by us. The process of modeling excellence
has resulted in explicit (and therefore learnable) models that
have applications in a wide range of human endeavor - from family
life and personal development to business practice, sports and
In less than four decades this technology (NLP) has spread like
a wildfire to the many part of our globe. Thus, the pleasure we
experience at the opportunity to make this presentation sponsored
by JMA.
In this seminar, we will offer explicit patterns that lead to
excellence in various portions of business practice: in particular,
- Patterns
of excellence for the enhancement of leadership as the skill
the most required for managers operating in the competitive
business environment
- Patterns
of excellence for the effective use of verbal communications
to manage information flow - the lifeblood of the company
- Patterns
of excellence for establishing and maintaining positive rapport,
especially under difficult circumstances
- Patterns
of excellence for the promotion of creativity and for fostering
the ability to think and act outside of the box
intention is to offer patterning and strategies to stimulate the
thinking and behaviors of excellence in the Japanese business
community. Especially, I understand that Coaching has recently
become a quite big movement in that community, and, with the NLP
patterns, coaches will find still greater success. We are aware
of the tremendous historical exchange of ideas that has resulted
in startling advances in business practice between our two countries,
beginning with the Quality movements pioneered in Japan (Demming)
through the lean manufacturing techniques (Toyota, as a leading
example) to various forms of process re-engineering. We hope to
continue this tradition with this seminar. We invite you to join
us for the day.
John Grinder
Co-creator of NLP |
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
Co-developer of NLP
Member of White House Committee
for small business development
(under both the Reagan and present
Bush administrations) |
If you have inquiries and/or want to participant in this workshop
by Dr John Grinder, please send your email to inquiry@creativity.co.uk,
or contact JMA at 03-5437-0851 (in Japanese).