This page provides the links to the backnumber
issues of the newsletter
written in Japanese by Taiten Kitaoka, a Japanese NLP trainer/facilitator.
Note: This "provocative" title of the newsletter is meant to suggest
that Taiten
Kitaoka's NLP work is the first attempt for the integrated NLP in the
Japanese market.
It is not meant to claim that his NLP work is genuine in a more general
Issue #11: 2004.2.25
(translated in May 2004)
'This is the Genuine NLP!'
The author, who has been formally trained by the four most important co-developers
of NLP (Grinder, Bandler, Dilts, and DeLozier) will send newsletters containing
a variety of information concerning the advanced communication psychology/
pragmatic psychology known as NLP.
"Free Thoughts on NLP #1"
Hello everybody! I am Taiten Kitaoka, a Japanese NLP trainer/facilitator.
In this issue of the newsletter, I would like to freely discuss NLP related
1. About John Grinder
I have been recently communicating by email with Dr John Grinder, the
co-founder of NLP, and a few interesting matters came to be known.
First, I wrote the following at the beginning of the fifth issue of this
"First of all, I participated in a one day workshop held by Dr John Grinder,
one of the two co-founders of NLP, in London around 1995; he made the
following statement at the beginning of his workshop (this is not verbatim):
" 'I and Richard Bandler created a totally new system called NLP some
20 years ago, on the basis of our inductive work [NB: meaning that the
co-founders of NLP had managed to discover the formulas or behavioural
and thinking patterns of a number of great therapists, after studying
raw data again and again by repeatedly watching them interact with their
clients in recorded videos], and I am quite glad that NLP has already
penetrated many social layers, such as education, therapy, business, presentation,
sports, arts, law, etc., and will continue to spread deeply and widely
into the whole spectrum of society. But, I have been quite disappointed
that there have only been applications of NLP since I and Bandler co-founded
NLP, and that, unless NLPers do a "quantum leap" of work similar to what
we achieved to create NLP, NLP will certainly die out in 20 or 30 years'
time.' "
With regard to my above statement, I received the confirmation from Dr
Grinder that it is indeed a correct representation of his lecture in London.
However, I need to point out that Dr Grinder bears in mind "Modelling
as the core activity of NLP" as something opposed to "NLP Application",
and that his definition of "modelling" is to create "an advanced and very
efficacious model of human behavior - specifically, excellence in human
performance". Also, his definition is a very narrow one, which is related
to the methodology used by the co-founders of NLP when they modelled such
excellent therapists as Fritz Pearls, Virginia Satir and Milton H. Erickson
in their "Structure of Magic" and "Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of
Milton H. Erickson". That is, the two co-founders first put themselves
in a deep hypnotic trance, and, in that altered state of consciousness,
enabled themselves to unconsciously achieve the same level of performance
as the persons they were modelling in the same time scale as the persons
modelled (by the way this method is called Deep Trance Identification,
or DTI). They then started to consciously drop all parameters (of the
behavioural modelling) irrelevant to the effects of the achieved performance,
and finally packaged the minimal number of parameters required for achieving
the performance, to create an explicit set of consciously learnable procedures
or tools, which enables other people to achieve the same performance level
in the same time scale as the persons thus modelled.
The implication of this is that Dr Grinder thinks that it is a person's
unconscious mind that decides to increase the number of behavioural alternatives
of that person, and that, because our conscious mind is intrinsically
limited, the behavioural options which a person's conscious mind can think
of is per se very restricted.
From this point of view, it appears that Dr Grinder still appreciates
such initial techniques of NLP as "Meta-Model" or "Six Step Reframing"
based on the communication with the unconscious mind, and that he may
not put too much emphasis on such techniques as "collapsing a negative
and a positive anchor" in the sense that a positive state can be imagined
only by the restricted conscious mind.
Also, according to Dr Grinder, a technique can be recognised as part of
NLP, only when it fulfills the two conditions (1) that it is "useful"
and (2) that it is a process pattern and not a content pattern. From this
point of view, Dr Grinder seems to question Robert Dilts' models like
"Neuro-logical Levels".
I myself succeeded in completely overcoming my past traumas and in thoroughly
changing my own personality as well as behavioural and thinking patterns,
by having been seeking the outcome which my tiny conscious mind had decided
and by continuing to consciously practice a certain number of NLP Personal
Editing techniques every day for several years, after having been certified
as Master Practitioner by Dr Grinder and Judith DeLozier in 1989. I thus
feel that the position to "leave everything to my unconscious mind" means
to go back to the roots, and sounds paradoxically very fresh.
(Incidentally, Dr Grinder congratulated me for my long-standing "self-application
of NLP" because there are very few NLPers who can commit themselves to
thoroughly applying NLP techniques to themselves.)
This "hypnotic" orientation to put oneself in a deep altered state of
consciousness, and to leave the task to expand one's behavioural alternatives
to our unconscious "demons" (or parts), is indeed very close to my own
mind set which I had when I was experimenting with nearly 2,000 hour long
sessions of psychotherapy (this atmosphere reminds me of a few books written
by Stanislav Grof, a transpersonal psychologist, which feature a number
of pictures and drawings related to the unconscious "dark side"). I subsequently
began to consciously seek only "healthy growth" (mainly because I had
had too many heavy traumatic experiences, and, once I had freed myself
from them through NLP, I decided not to want to look back on them again),
but I still now am willing to go back to hypnotic orientation, for the
sake of the expansion of my own identity.
To initiate this orientation again, I ordered from a bookstore in the
States as a second hand book a copy of "Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis
and Therapy: Selected Papers of Milton H. Erickson", which Grinder and
Bandler brought with them as their "bible" at that time to Phoenix, Arizona,
when they met Erickson for the first time. This book apparently has been
out of print since its first edition in 1967. Much later, "Milton Erickson's
Collected Papers, 4 Volumes" edited by Ernest L. Rossi were published,
but I think that this rare book is highly valuable, in the sense that
it compresses Erickson's very best work. (Also, it has a historic value
in that it was practically through this book that Erickson's name was
introduced widely to the whole world.)
Incidentally, there is a very interesting episode related to Jay Haley,
who edited the book considered to be a bible by the co-founders of NLP.
When they wrote a draft of their first book "Structure of Magic, I", the
future publisher which received the draft from them asked for a professional
opinion from Haley about the book. He advised the publisher not to publish
the book because it was too naive, and ignored Gregory Bateson's 20 year
long work. However, Bateson himself wrote the Introduction in the actually
published book and gave his compliment that Grinder and Bandler had achieved
what he and other researchers had wanted to achieve 15 years before and
that they had the tools which they hadn't had. This situation must have
turned Haley's face red, and Grinder and Bandler have never heard from
him since. (Haley was of course a student of Bateson, because he was a
member of the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto guided by Bateson.)
2. Brain Reverse Engineering and Activation of the Corpus Callosum
In the tenth issue of this newsletter, I wrote:
"When Grinder and Bandler were dealing with patients suffering from severe
phobias, they were more than amazed to find that they were like geniuses,
in the sense that they had been continually able to achieve or exhibit
a consistent performance level of mental and physical behaviour, whatever
the outer environment was, just like a pitcher of the baseball game who
can achieve constant excellent results on the mound of whichever playground.
(This way of looking at the same reality from another point of view is
called "Reframing" in NLP.) They then were able to help these patients,
who had been "sequencing" and "contextualising" (i.e., using the three
universal human modelling processes) in an "inappropriate" way, to use
those very same modelling processes in an "appropriate" way to overcome
their phobias, become more creative and get what they wanted to have in
their life. That is, they were able to transform a vicious circle into
a "virtuous circle" by using exactly the same mental or behavioural patterns."
What the above paragraph means is that all human beings are living in
the same reality, and indicates a very philanthropic attitude that, as
far as they build their own models of the world by being restricted by
the same neurological constraints as other human beings, everybody can
become either geniuses or fools. This situation can be compared to the
fact that the difference between genius cooks and ordinary cooks using
the same ingredients can be found in nothing but the recipes specifying
in which order and how these ingredients are used.
As for myself, when I was a child and an adolescent, I continued to have
the self-image that I had fallen into "the ant-eater's hall of which nobody
ever has succeeded in coming out". I then was from time to time encouraged
to hear that there had been a very tiny number of human beings who miraculously
had come out of this inescapable hell by their own power (that is, human
beings who achieved enlightenment), but had no idea about what the methods
involved were.
In other words, when human beings are born, they are like a "tabula rasa
(a blank slate upon which experience imprints knowledge)". I therefore
had sort of consciously entered the ant-eater's hall when I was a child,
by learning new thinking patterns (programmings) myself, whether this
learning was a choice of myself or was imposed by my parents, but, once
I was in the hall, I had since made the self-learning unconscious, and
had not been able to remember how I had got there at all. This was the
very and sole reason why I have not been able to escape from the ant-eater's
Since my adolescence, I have invested massive amounts of money and time
to study and experiment with "human consciousness", and have come to the
experiential conclusion that nearly all of the existing methodologies
related to therapy, hypnosis, meditation and altered states of consciousness
turned out to be insufficient as a "method for escaping from an ant-eater's
hall", and have arrived at NLP, as a truly revolutionary methodology for
self-transformation. When I looked back at the mechanism of how this revolutionary
communication psychology alone has enabled me to finally creep out of
the hell on my own and to completely get out of it, then it turned out
that NLP made it possible for me to do the "reverse engineering" of the
process of how my brain had learnt the new programmings when I entered
the ant-eater's hall on my own for the first time, when I was a child,
and therefore to "reset" myself back to the state (the tabula rasa) I
was in before entering the hall, while consciously selecting and learning
only the behavioural and thinking patterns for NOT letting me go into
the hall again.
That is, it can be said that everybody can become either a genius or a
fool as they like, if they use NLP, which enables them to reverse-engineer
(or, of course, engineer) their brain. From ancient ages, great spiritual
teachers have indicated (without being able to show the feasible solutions)
that whether one becomes happy or unhappy depends solely on oneself, and
that it is ourselves that create our own situation. It is NLP that has
showed to humanity for the first time the concrete and explicit methodology
for that cerebral reverse engineering.
It is true that NLP is a "panacea", but certain efforts are needed for
one to learn it, or to acquire the new behavioural and thinking patterns
involved in NLP. However, because NLP does indicate to us the way where
we cannot help but succeed, the efforts paid by the people who have begun
to follow the pathway of NLP are bound to be paid off. (In a sense, we
cannot make any excuses any more, because, in this field, the degree of
our efforts are exactly proportional to the degree of our self transformation.)
I myself was a person, when I was a student, who had had entered the left
brain (the digital world), and chose to go into the middle of the real
world by going to live in the Sahara Desert when I graduated from the
university, instead of choosing the possible future in the ivory tower
by becoming a undergraduate student. Since then, I have been keeping my
left brain orientation (you may easily understand how I am left brain
oriented, only if you read these issues of the current newsletter), but
the most important criterion for me to judge the true value of a certain
thing in my study of human consciousness has been "Whether that thing
can truly and practically transform my behaviour and thinking". (Incidentally,
I think that this value criterion seems to be almost the same as the "utility"
criterion which Grinder uses when he decides whether a technique can be
included in NLP.)
This value criterion is one found on the totally opposite side of intellectual
or cerebral understanding, and can possibly be defined as right brain
oriented, but I myself have been subscribing both to the theoretical left
brain orientation to the end and to the right brain orientation seeking
REAL transformations of my personality, behaviour and thinking. I, in
the process of learning and practicing NLP, have been successfully making
my inner states always exalted, by means of self-generating such "naturally
occurring in-brain drugs" as dopamine and endorphin in massive quantities.
I further feel that this process has been thickening the bridge-like organ
connecting the left and right brains, i.e., the corpus callosum, in me,
enabling the mutual exchange and integration of the information coming
from the left brain and the right brain learning to be more and more smoothly
made. (It is said that women's corpus collosums are usually thicker than
men's, and therefore are much better at multi-task processing.)
I recently was told by someone that I may be very theoretical and very
left-brain oriented, but that I could also become extremely right-brain
oriented, if I decided to want to become in that way, to the degree that
nobody else could emulate me. I think that her comment is not far off
the target.
3. VAK Predicate Preference
I have moved my base partially to Japan from the UK a year and a half
ago, but, as I pointed out in the second issue of this newsletter, I have
begun to be more and more aware of the inaptitude of the Japanese nation's
command of their own language and of how they express themselves. (My
conviction that what modern Japanese people urgently need to acquire as
skills is NLP as a communication psychology has been therefore more and
more deepened.)
Especially, when I hear ordinary people speaking Japanese on the TV, I
cannot fail to pick up meaningless redundant expressions like "Nanka",
"Yappari", "Chotto", "Toiunanade", etc, almost always used by them - in
fact I have not yet encountered anyone who DOES NOT use such ambiguous
words (I can understand to a certain degree that someone living in the
Japanese society has the mentality to avoid any definite expressions).
Also, they almost always use predicated preferences related to the kinesthetic
(K) system, such as "Mitaina Kanjide" or "Toiu Ki gasimasu". ("VAK Predicate
Preference" is a NLP term, meaning that, by being aware of which of the
three (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) main representational systems
other people frequently use in their predicate expressions, one can identify
whether they are of the visual, auditory or kinesthetic type. A person
of the visual type tends to prefer predicates like "I can see it very
well as an image", "We have to focus on the subject", while a person of
the auditory type may say "I can hear it well" or "The rhythm it has is
good".) This may mean that Japanese people, when they are to think over
matters or make decisions, have the extremely strong tendency to rely
on their somatic sensations as to how they "feel inside", instead of using
their logical mind, like in the case of Western people.
Presently, I often hear that young Japanese people's Japanese has become
terrible, but I think that this has been happening for all the ages. I
find that a more fundamentally critical issue is, as I pointed out in
the seventh issue of this newsletter, whether Japanese people can express
themselves on a par with Western people in this age of global communication
of the 21st century, which is a very pressing question related to even
the survival of the Japanese people as a cultural identity.
Incidentally, it is quite interesting to point out that Japanese announcers
on the TV are well trained not to use these ambiguous redundant expressions
or a too heavy kinesthetic predicate preference mentioned above. That
is, it is suggested that any Japanese person has a potential to be able
to speak "proper Japanese" if they are so trained. It appears that what
prevents them from speaking proper Japanese is not their lack of "capabilities"
to do so, but rather their restricted "value/belief system" letting them
be convinced that "definite and logical expression must be avoided by
all means". (For the details of the neuro-logical levels including "capabilities"
and "value/belief system", devised by Robert Dilts, please refer to the
seventh issue of this newsletter.) For instance, in the West, for better
or worse, almost all people interviewed on the street, and especially
(contrary to the politicians in this country) all politicians are trained
to, or at least try to, speak their own language as if they were TV announcers.
(Incidentally, in the UK, people who cannot speak English smoothly and
logically cannot become a politician in the first place.)
4. The Fastest Way of Controlling the Inner States
I have been telling in my workshops: "The fastest way of controlling our
inner states is through using the eye scanning patterns. That is, when
you are feeling 'down', you are likely to be looking down to the right
(when a person's eyeballs are in this position, he or she is accessing
his or her inner feelings (K)), so if you then move your eyeballs up to
the right (when a person's eyeballs are in this position, he or she is
accessing a constructed image (Vc)), you will be able to instantaneously
get out of the state of feeling down. However, I have recently come to
the recognition that there is a still faster way of achieving the same
That is, this method is based on the distinctions of 4T (4 Tuple), discussed
in the FAQ32 in the last issue of this newsletter, i.e., 4Ti (internally
generated 4T) and 4Te (externally generated 4T). (For the details of this
distinction, please refer to the last issue of the newsletter.) This extremely
simple, but deeply meaningful concept can be a basic ABC technique for
those who meditate, but, if it is viewed from the point of view of the
"elusive obvious" that "all possible problems for human beings are impossible
unless 4Ti's as information coming from the past are presupposed, while
no problem can exist in the 4Te's as raw information coming to oneself
living in the here and now from the external world at real time", the
instantaneous method for inner state control can be born. This method
is based on the mechanism that, when we have problems, we are necessarily
having inner experiences of 4ti's, and enables us to make these 4Ti experiences
disappear from our consciousness by consciously shifting our awareness
from 4Ti's to 4Te's as what is happening in the here and now at real time,
whenever we feel that we have problems. This method seems to be the fastest,
because the shift between 4Ti and 4te can be made instantaneously even
without spending the minimal time required for moving our eyeballs from
the low right position to the high right position.
How did you find this current issue of the newsletter? If you have questions
and feedback, please contact me at
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(c) Copyright 2004, Taiten Kitaoka. All rights reserved.