This page provides the links to the backnumber issues of the newsletter
written in Japanese by Taiten Kitaoka, a Japanese NLP trainer/facilitator.



'This is the Genuine NLP!"

The author, who has been formally trained by the four most important co-developers of NLP (Grinder, Bandler, Dilts, and DeLozier) will send newsletters containing a variety of information concerning the advanced communication psychology/ pragmatic psychology known as NLP.

Note: This "provocative" title of the newsletter is meant to suggest that Taiten Kitaoka's NLP work is the first attempt for the integrated NLP in the Japanese market. It is not meant to claim that his NLP work is genuine in a more general sense.

* Issue #012: 2004.3.23: "NLP Practitioner Certification Course"
                                          (translated in July 2004)

* Issue #011: 2004.2.25: "Free Thoughts on NLP #1" (translated in May 2004)

* Issue #010: 2004.1.23: "NLP FAQ, #1" (translated in May 2004)

* Issue #009: 2003.12.28: "NLP Terminology Guide, #1"

* Issue #008: 2003.12.21: "NLP FAQ, #1"

* Issue #007: 2003.12.14: "Expansion of Identity through NLP"

* Issue #006: 2003.12.08: "NLP Personal Editing Techniques"

* Issue #005: 2003.11.28: "Methodology for Accelerated Learning a la Kitaoka"

* Issue #004: 2003.11.20: "My Encounter with NLP"

* Issue #003: 2003.11.14: "Principles, Philosophy, and Raisons d'etre of NLP"

* Issue #002: 2003.11.10: "How NLP is Recognised Overseas and in Japan"

* Issue #001: 2003.11.05: "Three Unique Definitions of NLP"


If you have questions and feedback, please contact us at

Go to Taiten Kitaoka's Official Web site.

Go to the site in English: Taiten Kitaoka's Newsletter: "This is the Genuine NLP!".

Go to the site in Japanese: Taiten Kitaoka's Newsletter:"".

(c) Copyright 2004, Taiten Kitaoka. All rights reserved.