Integral Epistemology for Enlightenment
Extract of the "Preface"
page of the CD-ROM book
This CD-ROM book is the outcome of my nearly 20 year long research into
the human consciousness.
My inner journey started at the beginning of the eighties in the middle
of the Sahara Desert, where I stayed for three years. The life was very
harsh there, but the natural scenery was truly and awesomely ineffable;
I was once standing on the top of the 600 foot high barren cliff, from
where I was able to overlook the traces of the flows of rivers of the
remote past! Indeed, the whole place must have been under the water tens
of thousands of years ago, because one was able to pick up a number of
fossils containing sea shells. Another time I saw a big sun coming up
from the east in the middle of the desert dunes, and when I looked at
the west there was also a big yellowish moon going down over the horizon.
I couldn't help feeling the tinniness of the human existence in front
of the vast nature.
I subsequently went to the States, where I was initiated by an Indian
guru living in Oregon. I lived in his commune for about a year, where
I participated in an intensive residential 7 month long psychotherapeutic
course (a total of 1,700 hour long sessions). I thought that I was experiencing
the ultimate Zen space during the course, but one German participant of
the course said to me "What we are experiencing here is a kind of
kindergarten game, in comparison with the newly born American psychology
called NLP". (I may have other opportunities to talk about my master
and this psychotherapeutic course in detail in the future).
I couldn't believe this German gentleman at that time, but a few years
later (1988), when I took part in the workshop "Prerequisites to
Personal Genius" held in London by John Grinder and Judith DeLozier,
I indeed came to totally agree with him. NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming)
turned out to be a set of truly revolutionary psychological tools.
After being trained by John and Judith as NLP practitioner (1988) and
NLP Master Practitioner (1989) in Santa Cruz, California, USA, I went
into a "hermit life" in the middle of London. I practised a
number of NLP techniques (called "Personal Editings") for seven
years every day continuously (this was my intensive Karma and/or Raja
Yoga meditation) and read hundreds of NLP and spirituality-related books
(this was my Jnana Yoga meditation). As the outcome of this solitary and
intensive study of mine in the middle of a busy city, I came to recognise
that all the authentic spiritual masters down the ages are saying practically
one and the same thing on the one hand, and that what is coded in the
scriptures of the ancient India like Vedanta also indicates practically
one and the same thing as what NLP has been presenting as modern epistemological
models on the other hand. In the process of this research of mine, I have
gone to the very root of Vedanta (to find out the "Source Teacher";
I have my own lineage, because "one cannot not have an epistemology
(or "a spiritual foundation" in this particular case)",
but in no way discriminate any other lineages, as far as they derive from
the authentic spiritual source), as well as to the source of NLP (to find
out that epistemological giant, Gregory Bateson, as well as the revolutionary
discoveries made by two German mathematicians, which I mentioned on the
"Infinity and the Finite" page of this book). Hence, this book
is dedicated to probably the most authentic inheritor of the "source
teacher", Sri Shankaracharya, and to the person whom I consider to
be the greatest Jnana Yogi of the modern time, Gregory Bateson. My hermit
life practically ended when I was trained by Richard Bandler as NLP trainer
in Munich in 1995.
I personally believe that this book is a kind of "handy manual for
enlightenment" containing practically all the necessary ingredients
to help earnest spiritual seekers to get enlightened in this life time
of theirs [though] there are a few prerequisites for this purpose.
This book consists of 108 HTML pages; in Japan, they say that there are
108 types of " (Bonnou)"
(which means "obsession/lust/attachment" in English, and corresponds to
"klesha" in Sanskrit) in human beings, and on each new year's eve, monks
at the Buddhist temples ring big bells 108 times to induce the hearers
to overcome each of these 108 kleshas. I hope to be able to achieve
similar effects for the readers through the 108 pages of this book.
(Incidentally, I can add here that the number of the Upanishads which
are said to have been preserved in India is also 108.)
I wish the readers a truly endless spiritual journey through this book,
which I hope will contribute to the furthering of the human consciousness
even if it happens to be a minuscule contribution.

Guhen Kitaoka
London, UK.
October 2000.

This page is an extract from Guhen Kitaoka's "CYBERBOOK".
Copyright ©2000, by Guhen Kitaoka.
All rights reserved internationally.