Integral Epistemology for Enlightenment
Links to Other Web Sites
You can visit a number of NLP related and other interesting Web sites
on the Internet:
* NLP related Web sites:
- NLP Comprehensive (http://www.nlpcomprehensive.com):
Founded by Steve and Connirae Andreas. Tom Dotz, President. One of the
oldest and most reputed NLP training organizations in the world. The
most complete NLP bookstore on the web.
- ANLP (http://www.anlp.org):
A site owned by the Association for NLP in Britain. They aim to provide
details of current events in the world of NLP and also to provide information
about people and organisations that offer services in this field.
- NLP FAQ and Resources (http://www.rain.org/~da5e/nlpfaq.html):
A Web site supervised by Dale Kirby, where you can read NLP related
frequently asked questions.
- NLP Seminars Group International (http://www.purenlp.com):
A Web site run by John La Valle of the Society of NLP.
- Merl's World on NLP (http://www.nlp.biz/merlhtm/nlp_home.htm):
A comprehensive NLP related Web site which has been in constant evolution
since its creation in 1994.
- NLP Therapy & Coaching (http://www.nlpls.com):
John David Hoag, an outstanding NLP Trainer and Health Practitioner,
helps his clients resolve problems and achieve their goals. His office
is in the San Francisco Bay Area and he works with clients around the
world via phone.
- Hand Actuated Mental Reconditioning (http://www.hamr.com):
The famed HAMR self help site. Full instructions on how to rewire your
own brain. (See especially their "Hypnosis
and NLP" page.)
- Final Dialogue (http://www.finaldialogue.com):
Wolfgang Bernard's platonic dialogue style e-mail teaching based on
the principles of nonduality common to Advaita Vedanta, Zen, and Sufism.
- Directory of NLP Resources (http://find-it.hypermart.net/nlp.htm):
A resource list of trainers, educators, health professionals, therapists
and counselors who use NLP as part of their practice.
- NLP Resources (http://www.nlpresources.com/):
A Web site dedicated to providing the users with NLP tools, techniques
and contacts for the users to improve the quality of their life.
- NLP Institute of California (http://www.nlpca.com/):
The Silicon Valley and San Fransisco area's premier NLP/Human Patterning
training organization. Tim and Kris Hallbom are the co-directors of
the Institute.
- Southern Institute of NLP (http://www.intl-nlp.com):
This organization was started in 1979 and located in Florida. They present
training at practitioner, Masters, Trainer Levels, and have an extensive
selection of NLP videos with Robert Dilts, Richard Bandler, Milton Erickson,
Maryann & Ed Reese, Bill O'Hanlon.
- The NLP Center of New York (http://www.nlptraining.com):
The web page of the NLP Center of New York, established 1986, offers
NLP training, Ericksonian Hypnosis Training, Special Guest Training,
NLP coaching, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in New York City, NLP articles,
NLP related Links and FAQs.
- Collège Romand de PNL (http://www.pnl.ch):
An NLP training center based in the french part of Switzerland. Lots
of useful information about NLP, NLP books and links.
- Integration for Body, Heart and Soul (http://www.integration.org.uk):
NLP and personal development site including links to other mind, body
and spirit sites.
* Spirituality/New Age related Web Site:
- SelfGrowth.com (http://www.selfgrowth.com):
The most complete guide to information about Self -Improvement, Personal
Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized
directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites
on the WWW.
- NewAge On-Line Australia (http://www.newage.com.au):
Australia's own site for everything New Age.
- New Paradigm Books (http://www.newpara.com):
They translate into English 'New Age' books from abroad, including "Father
Ernetti's Chronovisor" by Peter Krassa. See also their online Journal
of Pan-Dimensional Literature.
- The Cannylink Internet Guide (http://www.cannylink.com/religionnewagereligion.htm):
You can access different New Age related Web sites from this link page
of the vast online Internet guide site.
* Forums:
- You can access the Newsgroup (USENET) dedicated to
NLP, at alt.psychology.nlp, where
NLP practitioners can discuss NLP related matters with each other.
- CompuServe has an NLP section in Mind/Body Sciences Forum ('Learning
Tech/NLP Section').

Photo design: Inro, Japanese 1850-1900, Courtesy of the V&A Picture
Library, London.
Copyright ©1996-2000, by Guhen Kitaoka. All rights reserved internationally.